Tuesday, August 30

Free Opera



Opera当年首先使用Tab-Browsing,很酷的界面;可惜像Firefox碰到的问题那样,有许多网站专门为Microsoft IE设计,因此不标准,在Opera下访问的效果不好。现在,网站设计逐渐规范,因此Firefox、Opera得以冒出来喘气。

I tested it from the very beginning. For no reason I soon abandoned it. Can't imagine they survive till today.
你好,我想要一个gmail的帐户,可不可以给我发个邀请! zjh8376@optusnet.com.au or zhangjunhua8376@yahoo.com.cn
Invitation sent.

Monday, August 29

Bloody women drivers!

This morning on the motorway, I looked over to my right and there was a woman in a spanking Porsche doing 85 mph with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner.

I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup.

As a man, I don't scare easily. But she scared me so much; I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the sausage & egg soda out of my other hand.

In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my mobile phone away from my ear which fell into the mug of tea between my legs, splashed, and burned my balls! Ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call.

Bloody women drivers!

(For Deminy's terrible trip.)


Friday, August 26

Google Talk 占用多少内存?

这两天经常听到提到Google Talk占用的内存多,与我的经验不符。刚才看到一个在微软工作的blogger的网志,也说“而且还并不节省内存,实际上,恐怕比MSN Messenger还更贪婪一点。”所以我非要做个试验看看了。

试验平台:Windows XP Pro SP1 (正版)
512M 内存(有200M左右空闲内存)
记录参数:MSN Messenger, Googlt Talk和Yahoo Messenger三个软件所占用的内存和虚拟内存(VM Size)

得到数据如下(单位都是K Bytes):

在任何情况下,Google Talk 所占用的内存都是其它软件所占用的一半以下。


Peggy Fleming
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I can see that Comment-Spam is comming to Blogger.com
spam 3连发啊。。。
I didn't see the pictures.

but spam is crazy. You got three ones in one post. :-)
How to implements comment-spam?
I am hostor of www.xnuo.com, thanks for visiting my simple website.

Microsoft IE's bug.

If you visit my blog through Firefox, you can see links underlined as . But if you are using Microsoft IE, you can't see it. Why? Because IE doesn't support this property it claims to.

In MSDN, Microsoft said background property has these values:

{ background: background-color || background-image || background-repeat || background-attachment || background-position}

and it can apply to property A (A HREF=.....). Actually only the background-color is supported.

Update on August 27: After I restarted my computer, I can see the underlines through IE... So everything is fine now... So it's good to complain anything in blog...

Wednesday, August 24

Google Talk

Google Talk是今天的主题。提到它,我也不得免俗。

Google总是遵循“Keep it simple and stupid”的做法,把所有东西都做得很简单。今天Google Talk就跟Google的主页一样的简洁,没有奇奇怪怪的trick。

Google Fans的忠诚度是无以比拟的,所以这个Talk很快会像瘟疫一样传开来,跟Gmail一样。Talk跟其他IM(Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger)技术上有一个区别:Talk使用的是开放的Jabber协议。有没有可能促使其他IM也加一个插件,支持这个协议,从事实现天下大 同,IM互通?




如果谁还需要Gmail邀请的话可以在这里留言或者来信 BenInCampus@Gmail....

Saturday, August 20

30 ways to visit xys

30 ways to visit xys.org


Thursday, August 18


今天听keso说起,Donews Blog所采用的.text系统不允许自己放置表单,所以没法增加一个搜索自己网站的Google功能。这个问题可以用javascript来解决。


〈script language="javascript" src="http://www.fadshop.net/squirrel/others/googlesearch.js">〈/script>
〈script language="javascript">
var website="http://www.donews.net/keso";

〈input type="text" name="q" />
〈input type="button" value="Google本网站" onclick="javascript:search()"/>
别忘记把全角的小于号改成真正的小于号。其实你还可以到 http://fadshop.net/squirrel/others/google.html 去拷贝。


19, August Update:


Wednesday, August 3







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期待, 是一种幸福







所谓"去中心化", 就是说我们不再统一阅读人民日报,不再固定观看中央电视台的新闻联播,不再只是上新浪看新闻。 相反,我们总能找到自己喜欢/信赖的报纸杂志,或者适合自己脾性的网络论坛,结识几个可以信任的网友,拥有自己的获得信息的渠道。远离首都的湖南卫视的 “超级女声”获得巨大的成功,就说明大家的注意力已经从中央电视台漂移开来。


RSS 闪亮登场!这些网站都提供了RSS文件输出,介绍了各自网站的新消息。我只要用一个“聚合器软件”,把这40多个网站的新消息合并在一起,每天我只 要打开这个聚合器软件,就可以看到这一大堆网站的新闻,正所谓“不出帷屋而知天下”。同样,我把《亵渎》的RSS地址也加到这个聚合器软件当中,每天就可 以知道罗格又做了什么坏事。


因为这些文件本身就不是提供给人看的:) ,你应该把这个RSS文件的地址输入到聚合器软件当中,由它来每天察看有什么新的情况。


客 户端聚合器有看天下周博通新浪点点通阅读器FeedDemon(英文)等,功能大同小异。这些软件将新信息下载到本地硬盘之后再通知你查看,所以速度快一 些。在线聚合器有狗狗RSSHowtoPimBloglines(英文)等,不需要下载、安装,所以你在办公室、在家里都能轻松访问,比较方便。

要 收集自己喜欢的网站上面的RSS地址...好像也是一件麻烦的事情。不过你可以看看我所收集的。访问http://bloglines.com/export?id=benincampus能得到一个xml文档,你把这个文档保存,然后导入到你所用的聚合器软件中(不管是客户端聚合器还是在线聚合器都有导入的选项,放心好了),你就可以看到每天的更新了。


RSS本身只是一个很简单的标准,允许程序员们自由发挥自己的想象力实现更多未知的功能。访问我的一个网页http://fadshop.net/blog/blogs-i-read-everyday.html, 能看到我喜欢的40多个网站的新闻聚合,按照更新时间排序。右边还有一个Reading Blog栏目,是我的另一个网站的最新十五个帖子的标题列表,这也是通过RSS做出来的:未来会有更多的RSS的应用,方便我们的网络生活。

Tuesday, August 2




用“文革博物馆 彭启安”作为关键字在百度Google能找到许多相关的消息。请让我摘录一段:



Monday, August 1

Note about Perl

1, In Perl language you don't have to define a variable, and the usage of string and a number is quite confusing. Below is a program :

$a="3"; #$a is a string.
$b=$a+1; # how can $a (a string) plus 1?
print $a. $b; # $b is a number, how can you concatenate a string and a number?

And the result of running this program is

Yes, after the program value of $a is "3" and value of $b is number 4.

2, To encode GB18030 (including GBK and Big5) string into Unicode, you can use Encode::HanExtra. Below is a sample:
use Encode;
use Encode::HanExtra;
my $str = "這是一些大五碼\n";
print $str;
print decode("gb18030", $str);

The result is:

but if you output the result into a file "utfcode.pl > abc.txt" and use an editer supporting Unicode to open it, we can see something interesting. I am using EditPlus:

Looks like the same as the first one, isn't it?
Now, selecte the menu "Document"->"Reload As", we can see we have 3 options:

"Default", "Unicode", "UTF-8"
I don't know the difference between "Unicode" and "UTF-8". But anyway, you select "UTF-8", then you can see this:

This means that the decode("gb18030", $str) created a string in UTF-8 coding, even though you can't see it from the direct output. Yes, what you see is NOT what you get.

3, XML::RSS can create a RSS file. But I want to:

Change the stylesheet

Currently there's no stylesheet bind with the RSS created by XML::RSS, so my solution is:
my $rssstring = $rss->as_string;
$rssstring =~ s/<\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\?>/<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text\/xsl\" href=\"\/rss.xsl\" ?>/;
open(FILEOUT, ">rss.xml");
print FILEOUT $rssstring;
close FILEOUT;

instead of

quite exhausted, isn't it?

Delete an item

Usually when people update an RSS file, they just delete the old one and create a new one. But I only want to add a new item into the RSS, and if there're more then 10 items, delete the oldest one. In this way I can always maintein the newest 10 items in the RSS. Is there any better RSS module in CPAN to do this job?

4, LWP::Simple is a popular module to get webpages. But today I got this message: Your browser doens't support cookie. To support cookie I use use LWP 5.64:
use LWP 5.64;
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$webPage=$browser->get( $fetchURL )->content;

Updated on Aug, 03:
1, I found I can edit the XML::RSS module, so I added a function "add_header()" into the module, and now I can add anything between
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"...
If you want, you can download my rss.pm and put it into your Perl\site\lib\XML folder to replace the original one. The original rss.pm is read-only be default, so make sure you know what you are doing.

2, The source code of XML::RSS shows that we can access the items directly. Actually the man page gave a sample how to delete an item:
# insert an item into an RSS file and removes the oldest item if
# there are already 15 items
my $rss = new XML::RSS;
pop(@{$rss->{'items'}}) if (@{$rss->{'items'}} == 15);
$rss->add_item(title => "MpegTV Player (mtv)",
link => "http://freshmeat.net/news/1999/06/21/930003958.html",
mode => 'insert'

I have to admitted that I didn't read the man page carefully :(


UTF-8 is basically the Unicode version 2.

usually when people talk about unicode , they refer to unicode version 1.

How do you make xys rss? cut and paste by hand?
Thanks, xj. So can we say that UTF-16 is Unicode version 3, and UTF-32?

I have a perl script to get xys.org automatically and upload it to http://feeds.feedburner.com/xys
Now since the xys.org is down, I changed the script to get the info from yahoo group. I don't need to cut/paste everyday. What I need to do is to make sure I turned on my computer :)
UTF-8 is sort of independent of unicode. No version correlation. I just made that up. :-)