Friday, December 10

GuEsT bOoK

I have several email addresses that I don't want to post here for Spam Harvester. You can leave your comment under this message. I'll get an email whenever you sign this guestbook and I'll reply you soon.

Weekend I might stay online, then you can talk to me using MSN Messenger (dwn78 (At) or Google Talk (BenInCampus).


At May 01, 2009 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At June 08, 2009 9:14 AM, Blogger Shikari Shambu said...

I am would like to get your modification to Kieran O'Shea's calendar plugin for Wordpress that allows for multiple calendars. The link you have for download is broken. Please email me the file(s).


At August 05, 2009 12:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ben,

I would like to have a version of your modified Kieran O'Shea calendar plugin as well for my portfolio. I hope you can send me a link to your version. Greatly appreciated. Thank you.

At January 28, 2011 8:33 AM, Blogger ArtDijk said...

Hi Ben,
The link to the is dead.
Can you please provide a new link or mail thet zip.
Thanks very much for your work !

At February 27, 2016 1:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Webmaster,

I am writing to say that I am deeply sorry that my manipulative SEO practices may cause you to receive a Google Terms of Service violation in the very near future.
The backlinks to my website ( can be found here:

I believe that their immediate removal will save you from a similar ToS violation.
I hope that you can move quickly enough in removing them to avoid this.
Please feel free to contact me when you have deleted the links, or if you have any further questions for me.

Thank you and I would like to once again emphasize my regret.


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