My Reading Blog
My reading blog has fewer visiters than this blog. In Bloglines, the reading blog has 5 subscribers, while this blog has 64 subscribers. But actually, I updated my reading blog more frequently than this one. When I was busy working on my thesis, I had nothing to say, so I seldom update this one; but I still kept reading, and kept sending new links into the reading blog.
When I'm reading through the Internet, and find some interesting articles, I simply use Blog It tool to add them into my reading blog, and add a few words to introduce them. Simplicity is the motivation that I keep blogging.
Below are the reading blogs I wrote in 2006 so far:
The Japanese is too polite to rob a bank.
"Any idea how you rob a bank?"The Real New Economy
Phase IV:The world is a mystery for which we care on a global scaleLonging for passion
The worst part is that I envy him for being passionate about his jobA funny Street Sign in Shanghai
West and East?最後一顆道釘與人頭稅--加國鐵路華工的世紀悲歌
Why the Canadian Government apologize to Chinese community.Soccer is against Islam
See things from different point of view.缅甸新娘
New brides of MyanmarSoccer Glossary
Soccer terms in English/Chinese
Are Web Services Real?
Is it another hoax?国内调查机构质疑BSA 称软件盗版率不超3成
Piracy software in China大跃进与文革:谁对中国经济的的损害大?
Cultual EvolutionSWMRP
secret weapons for massive research productivity (SWMRP)无奈的母爱
Mother's love工作场所的Small Talk
Small topics to talk
Anita MuiMIT Open Course of Algorithm
I should follow the course some day.法制日报记者提出的两个好问题
Some education problems in ChinaGoogle's China Problem (and China's Google Problem)
Such a famous articleHow to Rob a Bank
The Japanese guy should have read this oneOverheard in New York: The Voice of the City
Small chat in NY评人论事九难点
Hard to say第一份自查自纠成绩单
Some websites decided to self-sensor透视抑郁症
Depression Disease.警察群众生命受威胁可果断开枪
no comment中國社科院教授的乌龙
About Traditional/Simplify Chinese Character电影的争议
Movie/Freedom《V for Vendetta》和《Thank you for smoking》
Introducing two movies在香港廣東話引用英文字的指引
How to use English words in Contonese老罗:剽悍的人生不需要解释
no explanation, for such a strong life
Simplify Chinese Character Draft, second editionAttention Means Attention
Hang out with positive peopleFormatting advice everyone should know
How to write thesis电影评论:守望江湖之三:《黄飞鸿》
Kong Fu Movie can be more than Kong Fu中文金曲编选
Excerpt of Chinese Songs色情版程序设计教学
Make programming attractive憶秋娟
Contonese song lyrics那辆叫做320的公共汽车
People don't care about too much. They care about their daily life
Much worse than Google Map聯合報請向精神病患道歉
An action in Taiwanese blogsphere女学生轻信同学遭强奸
The picture is well-known
Application of Blog in education恶搞:KUSO的渊源
Detail of KUSO
Chinese scienceJava 4K Game Programming Contest
I couldn't think of an interesting application, what a pity.Richard Lam's New Year Resolution
Make your plan every year.
Gees, I didn't know I had read/written so many in these six months.
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