Offline Message of IMs
ICQ has pretty good offline message procedure. I can't understand why MSN and Skype can't send offline message as good as ICQ.

The MSN Messenger 8.0 is not launched yet, but I've tried the 8.0 Beta version. If your friend is also using 8.0 Beta version, yes, she can get your offline message when she logs in. But unfortunately, if she is using older version, or web version, or some other replacement such as GAIM, then she can't never get the message. It's even worse than having no offline message feature: You think your friend has got the message, but she hasn't! Microsoft should warn the user about this thing.

We have another scenario: When you are home, you send an offline message to a friend, then you turn off your computer and go to office. At your lunch time, you log in Skype and see your friend is online. You both are online now, do you think she get your offline message yet? No. The offline message is still saved in your home computer.
Gees, you can't understand why they are so stupid!
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
-- Albert Einstein
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