Wednesday, March 16

RSS Notifier

I'm looking for an RSS Notifier to monitor some feeds. I have Bloglines and GReader account, and I read some feeds from Bloglines everyday. But what I need is a "real-time" notification when the feeds have new items, so the Bloglines or GReader doesn't fit into my need.

I thought that was an easy task. Microsoft actually has widgets call "Feed Headlines", but it only has 10 feeds, doesn't allow you to input the feed you want. The default IE RSS Bookmark and Firefox Active Bookmark can not provide notification when a new item is available. Event the Microsoft Outlook 2007 doesn't show notification.

Feed Notification is the best I can find. It is even better that Michael Fogleman open sourced this program. Thank you. When a new item is detected, this program will show up a balloon for 1~60 seconds, configurable. I would like the option to keep the balloon until user click it. Since the source code is available, yes it can be done.

First, line 1123 of
duration = wx.SpinCtrl(parent, -1, '1', min=1, max=60, size=(64, -1))
Modify it as:
duration = wx.SpinCtrl(parent, -1, '1', min=0, max=60, size=(64, -1))
Second step, line 141, 142 of was:
141 duration = settings.POPUP_DURATION * 1000
142 self.timer = wx.CallLater(duration, self.on_timer)
Add 2 lines in between:
141 duration = settings.POPUP_DURATION * 1000
142+ if duration == 0:
143+ return
144 self.timer = wx.CallLater(duration, self.on_timer)

It is easy!

PS, after downloading the source code, you have to install:
  • python-2.7.1
  • py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7
  • ply-3.4
  • feedparser-5.0.1
  • wxPython2.8.11.0-py27
  • pywin32-216

copy 1. Icons 2. Sounds 3. Microsoft.VC90.CRT into ./dist folder
copy ./Microsoft.VC90.CRT/msvcp90.dll into C:/Python27/DLLs folder.

before succussfully compile it.
