Sunday, April 20

Tibetan's Suicide Attack

March 27, 2008, President of Tibetan Youth Congress claimed they would adopt the way of suicide bombers, which has been widely considered as terrorism attack. This is reported by Corriere della Sera, and below is translated by Google:

'The interview of the young Tibetan leader Tsewang Rigzin
Non-violence? Not paying could use kamikaze
«La non violenza? Non paga Potremmo usare i kamikaze»

SENT FROM OUR DHARAMSALA (India) - Not now. But the time may come for the Tibetan resistance movement to adopt the way of suicide bombers already in vogue in the Muslim world. Suicide attacks in Lhasa: it seems to contradict everything that half a century characterized by the figure of the Dalai Lama and the struggle of his people against the 'Chinese occupation. But Tsewang Rigzin, four months President of Tibetan Youth Congress, this is a 'development' as possible. It is a fact that non-violence preached by the Dalai Lama there leads nowhere. Indeed, it has enabled the Chinese espellerci from our homeland and continue the genocide of our cultural and religious traditions. So could soon get the 'time to change strategies, argues in his office tree in the hills of Dharamsala, where there is also the Tibetan government in exile. Born in India in 1971 by refugee parents, moved after 12 years in the United States, from one year Rigzin has left wife and two children to devote himself to his mission of leading the strongest among the Tibetan movement not linked to the Dalai Lama. "Restoring the 'independence to our country, at every price. Every day that passes away our goal, especially after by the construction of the railway that since 2006 more easily connects Lhasa to Beijing". The Dalai Lama threat resigned in the case continue the anti-Chinese violence. Please note that the initial events, on March 10, were peaceful. The Chinese police has infiltrated agents in the crowd to discredit the movement. What is your response to those who say that the world sympathy for your cause is mainly due to non-violence? "I reply that pacifism led us on a dead track. About us speaks only in occasional, limited. We are forgotten by the international community. We look instead like everywhere Palestinians and activists in Iraq thanks to the suicide bombings. L 'attention of the world media is all for them. " If the non-violence were winning also means that our cause is. In the world growing voices of those who would boycott the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. "We hope to be many to follow the 'example of the President Sarkozy. But it would be better if the Games were boycotted tout court. The China accuses you of racism against its civilians in Lhasa. "I am sorry that civilians are involved in the clash. But the responsibility is the Chinese government, which encourages its people to occupy our lands. At the end must leave, only then we can back our country and peace.

Lorenzo Cremonesi

中国新华网报道,藏青会头目:到了使用自杀式暴力抗争的时刻了! 所以我找到意大利《晚邮报》连接,并给出英文翻译。
