This morning I went to listen to a presentation about Web Intelligence. The speakers proposed "World Wide Wisdom Web".
20 years ago, computer researchers were working hard to collect data. Later, when we got enough data, we found we had problem analyzing them. Then we faced a new problem: Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, and Information Retrieval. Today, the speakers are talking about obtaining Wisdom from knowledge.
I think they must be one of the three kinds of people as follow:

1, They work hard, and propose new ideas. Not so many people understand their minds, but time will tell. Eistein was lonely when he started his Relativity research.
2, They work hard, and propose new ideas. Not so many people understand their minds. We Chinese have a special word for them: Nonprofessional Scientist.
3, They work hard to propose new ideas, and get great grants, because many "scientists" have blind faith in new ideas and new words.
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