Tuesday, June 11

Two programmer's jokes. Wrong jokes.

A mother said to her programmer son, "While you're out, buy some bread."
Her son never came home.
The mother created an infinite loop because no exit condition is given:
while (you are out){buy bread;}
So the programmer keeps buying bread, with no way to exit the loop.
Actually, as I said in the title, the joke is wrong. When the store is out of bread, or the programmer is out of money, or when the programmer keep bugging the store attendant for buying bread, the store attendant is not able to assist others (CPU intensive task), or at the time the store is closed, an exception is thrown. I should be more clear: the programmer is thrown out of the store. When he is out of money, the only way for him to do is to return home.

The next day, the mother said:  "Could you please go to the store for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6!" 
A short time later the programmer son comes back with 6 cartons of milk.
This programmer is not a good programmer. After he buys one carton of milk, he checks the condition of (they have eggs) and finds the condition is fulfilled, he should buy 6 cartons again. So he should go home with 7 cartons of milk!
buy one carton of milk
if (they have eggs){
    buy 6


Monday, June 3

Gnome screensavers

Originally, Gnome was using xscreensavers. I like the Matrix one the most. At one point around 2011, the Gnome team decided to abandon xscreensaver, actually, all screensaver at all. That is a very brilliant, bold move. 

The screen saver was invented 30 years ago, before LCD screen was not invented. The CRT screen has "burn-in" issue, if it displays the same image for too long. That is shortening the life span of the screen. Now things are changed, and you don't see CRT screen any more. LCD screen ( and LED screen) still have a little bit of "burn-in" issue, as serious as "life" issue. The screensaver activates each cell of the LCD/LED screen when the computer is idle, and that is as bad as burn-in issue.

So in the LCD/LED age, the best way to extend life span of a screen is to turn to black, or even turn it off, when it is idle. Exactly what the Gnome team is doing.

Of course, in Linux world, you still have your free will. You can easily remove the gnome-screensave, and install xscreensaver by (as in Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl-extra

But if you are like me, you like keeping the system clean and neat, you can just go to the System Settings -< Brightness and Lock, and select how long of idle before the screen turns black, using the gnome-screensaver.

The article is about Linux Gnome screen saver. The same principle can apply to Windows or any other OS too. 

It is always a good practice to check the "Require password when waking from suspend", to keep the computer locally secure.


Sunday, June 2

Java: Remove an element from array

In Java, the common practice to remove an array is to call an Apache common library
newarray = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.remove(oldarray, i)

The source code shows that to remove the ith element, this method forms a new array "newarray" of the size of oldarray.size-1,  copy [0, i-1] of the oldarray into newarray, then copy [i+1, size] into new array.

I have an application that requires to call this function a lot, and I feel the limitation of it.

My scenario is: In a [8000][12000] sparse array (double value), I want to remove rows and columns that are all zero. The 6000 rows and 7000 columns will be removed.
To remove the 6000 rows, this remove() function is called 6000 times.
To remove 7000 columns, I need a loop of the 2000 remaining rows from the previous step to remove each one of them, so this remove() function is called 7000*2000=14,000,000 times.

It takes 4 minutes to complete the task.

Also, because in each remove() operation, a new array is created, and the old array is left for Garbage Collection, the program is using almost 4G of memory during these 4 minutes.

So I decided to create my own ArrayRemove(array, i) function that is using the same array to store the modified array:

    private void ArrayRemove(Object array, int index) {
        int length = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(array);
        if ((index < length - 1)  && (index > -1)){
            System.arraycopy(array, index + 1, array, index, length - index - 1);         


Using this new function, it takes 1.5 minutes to perform the same task, and the peak memory is 500M.

The downside of this function is that: The array is NOT resized. Before process it contains 7000 elements; After process, it still contains 7000 elements. The last element is obsolete, not useful at all, but the array.length is still 7000. Even though the sparse array is still [8000][12000], only the first [2000][5000] are meaningful.

So, you need to remember how many rows and columns are removed, and form a new array :
       removerowcount = RemoveRow(array);
       double[][] temparray = new double[array.length-removerowcount][array[0].length];
       temparray = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length-removerowcount);
       array = temparray;
       removecolumncount = RemoveColumn(array)
       double[][] temparray = new double[array.length][array[0].length-removecolumncount];
       for(int i=0; i < array.length; i++){
              temparray[i] = Arrays.copyOf(array[i], array[0].length-removecolumncount);
       array = temparray;

The best thing is, you only need to form new array twice (the first time is to remove the trailing obsolete rows before starting RemoveColumn), not 14,006,000 times.

Have fun! Make sure to add your own error handling code.

PS: To remove an element from array, the above code works. But to achieve what I intend to (to remove null rows and columns), there is a better way (a Matlab way): Have another 2 arrays (nullrows[] and nullcolumns[]) to keep a record of which rows and columns are null, then remove these rows and columns in a batch.

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