Wednesday, November 28

When you are Googling... (What Google doesn't want you to know about)

When you start a query in, the website creates a serial number to record this query, including your IP address and your searching keyword. If you are logged in with your Google account, the keyword will be saved with your account. So Google knows all your searching history, and it knows your history and your recent activity in real life.

This is not the end of story yet. After the searching, you browse through the results and short description, decide to click number 4th link of the result. Google creates a hidden query to send the serial number kEI="aE5ER_7xA6T2gQKJ0szoDA" and the item number cd=4 to the server so that Google knows what you are really interested in, from the link you click.

When you move mouse over an item of search result, from the status bar you can see the link of that item. But when you click it, the webpage activates a Javascript program to report the item you clicked before it navigates to the link. If you ever use Yahoo, you can see something different: Moving mouse over an item of Yahoo search result will shows a link like "", so you have a very clear idea that Yahoo will process the click (save your click history) before forwarding to the searched item. They both save your search history and click history to know what pages you are interested to improve their search result and advertisement. Yahoo is like a "real bad guy" because it tells you that, but Google is like a "fake good guy" because it tries to hide the truth.

PS: Today (Feb 18) when I was reading Google News, I saw a new "Recommended for you" section:

That is what I am talking about.


Tuesday, November 27

HTML Page Break

In Word/Open Office Writer, you can easily insert a Page Break to start a new page. How to make that in webpage?

If you are reading a webpage from monitor, you actually don't care about page break, because you can easily turn page using the keyboard or scroll the page using your mouse. But when you print it out, you get pages like the one on the left. The second table is separated into 2 pages, which makes the printout look weired.

By adding < p style="page-break-before: always" / > before the second form, we can avoid this weired printout because a page break is inserted for printing, and the result is like the one on the right. When you are reading the web page, you can only feel an empty line between the 2 tables; but printout will be different.

page-break-before and page-break-after are standard CSS2 elements. They work fine both in IE and Firefox. A simple way to add page break into your webpage (printout) is to modify H2 element's CSS:
H2 {page-break-before: always; }
H2.nobreak {page-break-before: avoid; }

because it is very likely that you want to start the header in a new page, and H2.nobreak is prepared for the very first header...

W3C site introduces some other CSS elements that can control printout size, margin, and orientation. It's good to take a look.

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Sunday, November 25









另外,《袁隆平故事》中说,水稻的光合作用对地表太阳能的利用率可以达到5%;xj引用的文献说,The net result being an overall photosynthetic efficiency of between 3 and 6% of total solar radiation.鹏归引用的文献说:The overall efficiency is then .286x.43x.8x.67 = .066 or 6.6%。

Yush: 吴礼说“松鼠“应用”的不是我的原文。 ”我的blog上面有他帖子的链接,他抵赖不了。他只能管好自己的帖子,不能控制我如何“应用”,只要我没有歪曲他的原意。







去xys和洗脚城逛了一圈,刚看了你的这篇回应. 怎么了,很失水准啊. 摆事实讲道理,存疑就存疑,错了就错了,中间插那么一段教主啊什么的,很没风度. 每个人想法不一样很正常,但要打嘴仗写成文字,还是严谨一点好. 还是冷静几天,多读读资料再写回应吧.


Thursday, November 22















你的质疑很stupid, 中小学,化学,物理,生物没学好。
anonymous: 不如你介绍一下你所学的中小学,化学,物理,生物是怎么教你不用证据就下结论的?

Wednesday, November 21

Basic of Ontology

This is opening of Chapter 5, Gene Ontology, of my thesis Empirical Study of Gene Ontology based Microarray Clustering. You can check abstract from here.

5.1 Basic of Ontology

Ontology” has been a philosophy jargon since Aristotle times, and it means the nature of existence. Computer scientists adopted this word to express a formally structured vocabulary in a discipline. In this vocabulary, items and relations between two items are well defined to present the knowledge in this discipline.

Ontologies offer a mechanism by which knowledge can be represented in a form capable of machine processing[Lord 2003]. Ontologies can be provided in Rational Database format or XML format.

Now ontology becomes the core of Semantic Web, because the geographically distributed Web forms information islands in the Internet, and the use of ontology can interpret meanings of information in different islands, reduce the confusion, and integrate data automatically. The decentralized infrastructure makes the communication and collaboration over Internet easy. Every one can focus on her own part of the project independently and integration of their work will be streamlined since every part of the collaboration follows the same ontology and plays her own role. Every one can also build new ontologies, and cooperate with the third part without the permission of her collaborators. The collaboration will be stronger and stronger as more and more collaborators join in and share their knowledge. This decentralized infrastructure breaks down the barrier between languages, geographical distance, automates the integration of knowledge, and leads to the evolution of knowledge.

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Tuesday, November 20

Configuration of Virtual Host in Apache 2.2

I have been using Apache for 5 years, and I can literally tell each directive in httpd.conf. But yesterday I failed configuring Vitual Host in Apache 2.2.

Thanks for Google. David reminds me that Apache 2.2 imposes stricter permissions, so I moved all virtual hosts into one folder "\working\remoteserver" and added directive:
< Directory \working\remoteserver>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
< /Directory>

Then modify the httpd-vhosts.conf as
< VirtualHost *:80>

#AddDefaultCharset utf-8


DocumentRoot \Working\RemoteServer\

ErrorLog "|rotatelogs logs/ 604800"

CustomLog "rotatelogs logs/ 604800" combined

# ForceType text/html

< /VirtualHost>

and other virtual hosts. One more thing to remember: After you deploy virtual hosts, the "original" host will be ignore. So you should create first virtual host as the original host.

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Sunday, November 4

Modifying Orage: Setup Alarm for your event.

Orage is a lightweight calendar in Xfce desktop. Yes, it is the default calendar in Xubuntu.

I don't like adding timer after adding an event. I think whenever I add an event, the system should alarm me before it happen. The alarm is the reason why I would possibly use calendar: Remind me to eat at lunch time, so that I won't be starve.

By default Orage won't add a timer, unless you select a number from pull-down menu. So I downloaded the source code using svn. BTW, the Xubuntu 7.10 has Orage 4.4.1, when svn gives you the source code of orage 4.5.10.
In appointment.c, modify line 2029:
apptw->Alarm_spin_mm = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(0, 59, 5);

apptw->Alarm_spin_mm = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(1, 59, 5);

The added event will have a pop-up reminder 5 minutes before the event, by default.

For Evolution, you only need to enable "Show a reminder":

Sharing files between Ubuntu and Windows

At first I was using Xubuntu, Ubuntu with Xfec. Following this post I was able to visit shared folder of one computer in the same network, after I modified the WORKGROUP of Xubuntu. But I couldn't get access to my Win2003 Server, because it is password protected.. I had to switch to Ubuntu with Gnome. Nautilus, the file explorer, is more friendly than Thunar. Select Go->Network, I am able to visit my Win2003 Server using username and password.

Now it's time to share files in Ubuntu. After modifying the /etc/samba/smb.conf, I could see the shared folder from Nautilus, but not from Windows box. When I tried to access this folder from Windows box, I was prompted to input username and password, and my username/password is always rejected. The reason is that the system is asking for username/password of SAMBA, not u/p of Ubuntu. The solutions is to create a samba password:
sudo smbpasswd -a ben

After doing so, I can visit Ubuntu shared folder from Windows box.

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