Sunday, July 31

About's templates

In you can pick a template you like, and publish your blogs using this templates.

When I picked a new template yesterday, I noticed that there're 3 problems in most of the templates:

1, I think everyone can see that most of the templates have a fixed width to fit 800 x 600 screen. I can't say all, but all the templates I tested are. Those designers are too lazy to test their products under other resolutions, for example, 1280*1024 as my screen, so we can see those blogs only use 70% of the screen, like CNN. In my template I have to adjust width of #main from 485px to 70%, and #sidebar from 235 to 28%.

2, To make it portable, all the stylesheet information (css info) are on the top of the template, so make it on the top of every blog file. Currently my template has a 7,518 bytes css header, that means in my 100 blogs it took 700k bytes of the space. Actually we can replace the css header with <style type="text/css" src="template.css"/> and puth that 7,518 bytes into the file template.css, then we can save 693k bytes in the host and the network traffic.

3, All the templates I used have a header like:

This is wrong. In any html file we should always put
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

before the title, because when the browser render title without knowing the encoding information, the browser will make a wild guess, and usually it's wrong. These templates work fine for English blogs, but not all the blogs are in English. So we have to change the template as:

Saturday, July 30

Firefox doesn't support disable-output-escaping feature

If you have to know, disable-output-escaping is an atribute of xsl:text to stop escapes & and < into & and <. It's a pity that Firefox can't handle this well. From Denis de Bernardy I found a letter from Mozilla developers saying that the Mozilla(Firefox, Netscape) was already doing the right thing, following the standard of W3C. So they are not going to fix this bug, because they even don't think it is a bug.

Good, we have to find some way to go around it. Sean M. Burke made a javascript program to render the paragraph before it's output. It works pretty well: Feedburners is using this program too. I made a xsl file using this js program to make RSS (0.91/0.92/2.0) pretty in browsers. If you are thinking to deal with RSS, you can simply copy this rss.xsl into the same folder of your RSS file, and add
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rss.xsl" ?>

under the first line
<?xml version="1.0"?>

If you want to handle other xml files, you can look into the code of the rss.xsl. Happy hacking!


This is very helpful.

In my feeding program, I limited the rss text to less than 500 lines. Enough for most of them.
In your blog you don't put any link, any image, not even any Bold or Italic type, so it's easy for you. :)
You might also try my in-line solution for this problem. Find "Firefox disable-output-escaping" in my AJAX xslt lib source listing:

or download the free lib which has a few RSS Feed ideas also. Hope this helps.
Not sure if this will work for everyone but I believe if you use copy-of rather than value-of when copying across your xml content, it works cross-browser. We're using it with a simple JS script to turn the whole thing into html rather than having the .xml in the address bar but it works for us. More detailed instructions here.
Thanks Bobble,

But when the content isn't enclosed with CDATA, can it also be traversed with JavaScript?
Bobble, my script can work "cross-browser", so I didn't try yours.


在IE中,如果使用 disable-output-escaping="yes" 来规范大块html文字的输出,能够得到很好的效果,


我不是第一个发现Firefox不能实现这个功能的人。Google一下,Gea-Suan Lin在3月份就开始寻找答案。Denis de Bernardy在5月份给出一个2001-11-18的Mozilla通信,说明Mozilla不认为这是一个bug,因为它已经正确地遵循了w3c的要求,不打算改正(反而Microsoft IE的做法不规范?)。

我忽然记起Feedburner以前的feed(在firefox中)也是乱的,访问一下,发现现在居然好了!所以我深挖进去,发现它调用了Sean M. Burke的一个javascript程序,在程序中把需要格式化的文字重新排版一遍,其实只有一句话:to_decode[i].innerHTML = to_decode[i].textContent。我赶紧把它应用到我的RSS (RSS 2.0格式)上,果然实现了格式化排版的效果:

如果你拥有自己的blog,发布RSS 2.0,只需要把这个xsl文档拷到你的RSS所在目录下面,在自己的RSS头(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312"?>下一行)加上
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rss.xsl" ?>就可以了。



RSS 的显示





所以,我觉得为RSS文档添加格式说明,让用户看到里面的内容,才能让他们接受这种xml格式。我尝试了CSS格式和XSL格式,发现Firefox在这里有一个缺陷,总算把这个问题解决了。如果你拥有自己的blog,发布RSS,只需要把这个xsl文档拷到你的RSS所在目录下面,在自己的RSS头(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312"?>下一行)加上
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rss.xsl" ?>

8, August update:
发现在Firefox下看MSN Space的rss feed,是效果很差的那种。


Friday, July 29









Updated on 3rd, Aug:


Tuesday, July 19

Will Microsoft buy a nortious spam company?

Today when I was deleting spam emails as usual, I found one topic interesting:
MICROSOFT Plans to Purchase a Spyware Company...

Huh, interesting. It's said to be originally reported by NewYork Times, that Microsoft was in talks to buy Claria, "one of the world's most notorious peddlers of spyware and adware".

A spam email is not a trustful source, so I googled and found it's also reported in, so that's real then. Claria, formerly known as Gator, renamed itself in 2003 because Gator really had a bad name. GAIN(Gator Advertising and Information Network) was built in many freeware/shareware and became a major pop-up ad source of our PCs.

Anyway, adware market is a big market. I remember that it is a 3 Billion dollars markey. No wonder that Microsoft is thinking to buy it.